Icon Conventions
The documentation set is designed to give the reader more visual clues. The following graphic icons are used
throughout the documentation set. These icons and their associated meanings are described below.
The word WARNING with the associated safety icon implies information that, if disregarded, could
result in death or serious injury, or serious product damage.
The word CAUTION with the associated safety icon implies information that, if disregarded, may
result in minor or moderate injury, or serious product damage.
NOTE contains information more important than the surrounding text, such as exceptions or preconditions.
They also refer the reader elsewhere for additional information, remind the reader how to complete an
action (when it is not part of the current procedure, for instance), or tell the reader where something is
located on the screen. There is no warning level associated with a note.
Related Documents
MC40 Quick Start Guide
, p/n 72-166941-xx
MC40 Regulatory Guide
, p/n 72-166942-xx
MC40 Integrator Guide
, p/n 72E-166943-xx
MSP Client Software Guide
, p/n 72E-128805-xx
MSP Release Notes
, p/n 72E-100160-xx.
For the latest version of this guide and all guides, go to:
Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support Center for your
region. Contact information is available at:
When contacting Motorola Solutions Global Customer Support Center, please have the following information
• Serial number of the unit (found on manufacturing label)
• Model number or product name (found on manufacturing label)
• Software type and version number