A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 87
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
the local port. If the local port is a T1/ESF or E1
port enter the ABCD values, for a T1/SF port,
enter the AB(AB) value. If the local port is an
analog E&M port, enter 0000 for idle (Onhook)
and 1111 for active (Offhook). The range is 0000
to 1111.
Translate the signalling information received from
the remote end to a value to be transmitted out
the local port. If the local port is a T1/ESF or E1
port enter the ABCD values, for a T1/SF port,
enter the AB(AB) value. If the local port is an
analog E&M port, enter 0000 for idle (Onhook)
and 1111 for active (Offhook). The range is 0000
to 1111.
The lower of the two frequencies needed to
generate the dial tone.
The amplitude of the lower frequency to generate
the dial tone. To be specified in steps of 0.5dB, -
30dB turn off output. The range is from -30dBm
to -3dBm.
The higher of the two frequencies needed to
generate the dial tone.
The amplitude of the upper frequency to generate
the dial tone. To be specified in steps of 0.5dB, -
30dB turn off output. The range is from -30dBm
to -3dBm.
The lower of the two frequencies needed to
generate the Ringback tone.
The amplitude of the lower frequency to generate
the Ringback tone. To be specified in steps of
0.5dB, -30dB turn off output. The range is from -
30dBm to -3dBm.
The higher of the two frequencies needed to
generate the Ring-back tone.
The amplitude of the upper frequency to generate
the Ringback tone. To be specified in steps of
0.5dB, -30dB turn off output. The range is from -
30dBm to -3dBm.
The lower of the two frequencies needed to
generate the Busy tone.