A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 61
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
802.1d Static Link Table View
In the Bridge Configuration Information view, click
the 802.1d Static Link Table button.
This view contains a table of filtering information
configured into the bridge by local or network
management specifying the set of WAN bridge
links to which frames received from a specific
bridge link and containing a specific destination
address are allowed to be forwarded. Column
headings are as follows:
The destination MAC address in a frame to which
this entry’s filtering information applies. This field
can take the value of a unicast address, a group
address, or the broadcast address.
The number of the WAN bridge link from which a
frame must be received in order for this entry’s
filtering information to apply. A value of zero
indicates that this entry applies on all of the
device’s bridge links for which there is no other
applicable entry.
The set of WAN bridge links to which frames
received from the specified port and destined for
the specified MAC address can be forwarded.
The current status of the entry. See
Table 17
expanded descriptions of possible status values.
Table 17:
Entry Status Descriptions
Entry is currently in use, but the
conditions under which it will remain
so are different from each of the
following status values.
Entries will be removed from table if
this value is written to the corre-
sponding field.
Entry is currently in use and will
remain so after the next reset of the
Entry is currently in use and will
remain so until the next reset of the
Entry is currently in use and will
remain so until it is aged out.