I n t r o d u c t i o n
S u p p o r t e d D e v i c e s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 8
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
Supported Devices
The SPECTRUM management module SM-
MOT1000 currently lets you model the Motorola
Vanguard devices described below.
Vanguard 6435 Multiservice Access Router.
A compact, desktop router with an Ethernet
interface and three expansion slots. Two
slots can be used for Enhanced Daughter
Cards for high bandwidth applications.
Vanguard 6455 Multiservice Access Router.
A desktop or rack-mountable router with an
Ethernet interface and five expansion slots.
Two slots can be used for Enhanced Daugh-
ter Cards for high bandwidth applications.
Motorola Vanguard 6520 Multimedia
Periphery Router (MPRouter)
access product optimized for branch offices
that require consolidation of legacy traffic
with LAN traffic over dedicated or switched
X.25, Frame Relay, point-to-point, multipoint,
and ISDN circuits.
Motorola Vanguard 6560 MPRouter PRO
This device extends the 6520 MPRouter capa-
bilities for large branch offices with higher
throughput needs, offering voice relay
options for analog and digital voice applica-
tions as well as all the features and options
of the 6520.
Motorola Vanguard 300/320
A network
access device that allows Ethernet LANs and
a combination of terminals, PCs, worksta-
tions, and controllers to access public or pri-
vate network services such as ISDN, Frame
Relay, and X.25. The Vanguard 320 is the new
and improved, next generation of the Van-
guard 300 and is fully compatible with the
Vanguard 300.
Support for the Vanguard 6400 series
of devices does not include complete
proprietary MIB support as of