A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 111
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
The subaddress contained in an inbound call
from another network, usually a public data
network (PDN). It will be translated into a private
network address before the call is forwarded.
The private network address to which calls from a
PDN will be translated before forwarding.
This section displays the following information:
The private network address contained in an
outbound call to another network, usually a PDN.
It will be translated into a PDN address before the
call is forwarded.
The public network address to translate to before
forwarding calls to a PDN.
If value is
, the original called address is
inserted into outbound call user data. Otherwise,
value is
This section displays the following information:
The subaddress contained in an inbound call
from another network, usually a PDN. It will be
translated into a private network address before
the call is forwarded.
The private network address to which calls from a
PDN will be translated before forwarding.
Motorola Vanguard Frame Relay
Applications (MotFRDTEApp and
There are two Motorola Vanguard Frame Relay
Frame Relay DTE Application
(Page 111)
Frame Relay DCE Application
(Page 112)
Frame Relay DTE Application
The MotFRDTEApp has the following views
available from the Icon Subviews menu:
Port Configuration
This option displays the DTE Port Configuration
view. This view shows the value of objects from
the Motfrdte_Mib’s Frame Relay DTE Port