A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 91
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
Select the number of leading digits to be stripped
off the received digits stream before sending the
digits stream to the remote port.
Select digits to be added in front of or at the end
of the received stream (after the stripped digits
are removed) before sending the digit stream to
the remote port. Range: 1 to 20 characters (valid
characters are 0 through 9, ’*’, ’#’, ’R’, ’P’, and ’-’).
The character ’-’ is allowed only for ease of
reading. It is not sent to the remote port. The ’P’
character is used to indicate a pause is required
in the playout of the digits at the remote end. The
length of the pause is equal to “Tx Interdigit
Pause Time” as defined at the called port
(destination port). Leading ’P’ characters are not
supported. The character ’R’ is used to separate
the prefix digit string from the postfix digit string.
The maximum number of digits that can be sent
to the remote end is 16.
Select DTMF digits to be added at the end of the
received DTMF stream before sending the digit
stream to the remote port. Range: 1 to 20
characters (valid characters are 0 through 9, ’-’,
’,’, ’/’, ’*’, ’#’, and ’P’). The characters ’-’, ’,’, and ’/’
are allowed only for ease of reading. They are not
sent to the remote port. The ’P’ character is used
to indicate a pause is required in the playout of
the digits at the remote end. The length of the
pause is equal to “Tx Interdigit Pause Time” as
defined at the called port (destination port). The
maximum number of digits that can be sent to
the remote end is 16.
The entry number in the Voice Switch Table.
Table 30:
Compression Overrides
Compression OR
No override, use port configured
Bundled 8k CVSELP.
Bundled 16k CVSELP.
Enhanced Bundled 8k CVSELP.
Enhanced Bundled 16k
Skipped during configuration.