A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 58
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
The length of time in tenths of seconds that the
link station will wait to acknowledgment a frame
from a remote station. (This is a method of
reducing the amount of acknowledgments
generated by a link station.)
The length of time, in tenths of seconds, that the
station will wait after detecting an idle link (no
data to pass and no outstanding
acknowledgments) before sending a supervisory
frame with the poll bit set to 1.
The number of times an I frame or supervisory
frame with poll bit set to 1 will be transmitted due
to acknowledgment time-out, before the logical
link will be declared down (inoperative).
The number of times an I frame or supervisory
frame with poll bit set to 1 will be transmitted due
to acknowledgment time-out, before the logical
link will be declared down (inoperative).
The maximum number of I frames a station may
transmit without acknowledgment.
Filtering Information View
In the Bridge Configuration Information view, click
the MAC Address Filtering button.
This view contains the following two tables:
MAC Address Filter Table
(Page 58)
Protocol Filter Table
(Page 59)
MAC Address Filter Table
This table appears in the upper half of the
Filtering Information view. For each of up to 300
MAC address entries, there are four “action”
columns and four “list” columns. The “action”
columns display the filtering action (see
Table 16
that will be taken depending on whether the
address is the source of an incoming frame
), the source of an outgoing frame
), the destination for an incoming
frame (
), or the destination for an
outgoing frame (
). In cases where
the filtering action is
, the
associated “list” column (
, or
identifies the individual links that will pass or
block frames in that category. Links are specified
by number and may contain a range (e.g., “1, 3, 4,
7-10” means links 1,3,4,7,8,9, and 10).