A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 69
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
Node Address
The main part of the X.25 network address for
this node. Incoming calls with this value as the
first part of the network address are routed to this
node. The subaddress portion of the network
address (Control Port Subaddress, etc.) routes the
incoming call to a specific destination in the node.
Node Date Stamp
Date used for date stamps of events and traps, in
yyyymmmdd format.
Chassis Type
Identifies the chassis type of the node. Valid
values are:
, and
Maximum Routing Hops
The maximum number of nodes a call may pass
through before reaching its destination.
Max simultaneous calls
The maximum number of simultaneous calls that
can be handled. Limiting the number of calls
eliminates data loss in extreme traffic conditions.
A value of zero indicates unlimited calls.
Time Stamp
The node time, in hh:mm:ss format, used for time
stamps of events and traps.
No. of Broadcast Networks
The number of Broadcast Networks to which this
node can send broadcast messages. A value of
zero means the broadcast function is disabled for
this node.
Broadcast Port Subaddress
The broadcast subaddress for this node. Incoming
broadcast messages with a network address
consisting of the Node Address and this
Broadcast Port Subaddress arrive at this port in
this node. No Routing Table entry is needed.
No. of Broadcast Input Chans
The number of simultaneous broadcast messages
that can be received.
Ctrl Port Idle DisconnectTime
The number of minutes of inactivity that can
occur before the control terminal is automatically
Control Port Subaddress
The Control Terminal Port (CTP) subaddress for
this node. Incoming calls with a network address
consisting of the node address for this node and
this Control Port Subaddress arrive at this node’s