A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 90
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
The length of time a flash signal will be
transmitted as a result of a flash-hook from the
remote interface.
The amplitude of the DTMF digits. To be specified
in steps of 0.5dB, -30.0 turn off output. The
range is from -30dBm to -3dBm.
This is the amount of time a valid OFFHOOK
condition must be present before an analog FXS
will declare OFFHOOK.
Voice Switch Configuration Table View
From the Icon Subviews menu for the
MotVoiceApp Application icon, select Switch
This view contains the following information:
Select the voice number plans for the 6520/6560
The received DTMF digits received by the voice
interface is compared to this parameter. Enter a
trailing asterisk (*) as a wild-card. Use the space
bar to blank the parameter. Range: 1 to 20
characters (valid characters are 0 through 9, ’-’,
’,’, ’/’, and ’*’). The characters ’-’, ’,’, and ’/’ are
allowed only for ease of reading. They are not sent
to the remote port.
Note: The maximum number of digits that can be
sent to the remote end is 16.
Select the number of DTMF digits to be received
before making the call request.
Define the network address of the called node and
the port or Hunt Group number of the desired
destination port.
The alternate destination.
Select the voice compression override algorithm.
Table 30
displays the compression overrides and