A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 27
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
Hold Time
This replaces the value of the parameter Idle
Disconnect Timer in the X.25 Port Record and
specifies how long (in seconds) the backup link
remains active after the original link is back up.
The password used by the remote station to
determine if dial access is authorized.
Redial Time
The time in seconds between dial attempts when
bringing up a switched service call.
Redial Counter
The number of times that the Switched Service
will attempt to redial when redial timer is expired.
A value of
will allow unlimited attempts.
This specifies under what conditions the
port/channel authorizes call request.
Table 8
displays the security channel and descriptions:
Table 7:
Deactivation Modes
Mode Description
Backup port can only be deactivated by
operator intervention.
The backup port is deactivated after all
the calls on that port are cleared for a
predetermined amount of time. This
substitutes the value assigned to the
parameter Link Hold Time with the
value assigned to the parameter Idle
Disconnect Time in the X.25 Port
Record. The Idle Disconnect Time will
then work as described in the
Operators Guide. When Deactivation
Mode = BUSY OUT and Link Hold Time
= 0 (zero) the overall effect is the same
as setting this entry to NONE.
The backup link is terminated
immediately when the monitored port is
restored regardless of how many calls
are present.
Same functionality as ’none.’