TM SmartCool One 5057724 v1.0_08_2022
Flood Detection
SmartCool One has three methods of flood detection:
1. Probe sensor (solid state), supplied loose for remote mounting when the SmartCool One unit is provided with a
single unit level drip tray.
2. Rope sensor, supplied loose with self-adhesive clips for remote mounting on site, standard on all SmartCool One
3. Condensate drain tray level sensor, optional feature which is factory fitted to the SmartCool One unit.
The probe and condensate drain tray level sensor detect high liquid level at localised points whereas the rope sensor
detects leaks across a larger area when in contact with several drops of a conductive liquid. Monitored by a sensing
relay, on liquid detection an alarm will generate and disable the Smartcool One unit. The user is required to manually
reset the unit after removing the presence of water. High humidity should normally not cause an alarm unless it results in
condensation dripping on the rope sensor or condensation present on the surface to which the rope sensor is applied.
The accompanying Loose Part Instruction should be followed for on-site installation of probe and rope sensor.
When applying to a surface such as the unit level drip tray, it is recommended to use the supplied self-adhesive
clips. When properly clipped, the rope lies flat on the surface avoiding “bridging” (where the detector lifts off the floor
allowing water to run under the detector without detection) and damage to the detector.
When applying the rope sensor directly to the piping, the rope is simply strapped to the pipe.
Care should be taken to prevent the stainless steel sensing element in the rope from coming into contact with any
electrically conductive material causing a “fault” condition. Anything used in applying the rope sensor other than
the supplied self-adhesive clips may interfere with the flood detection capability or adversely affect the designed
The rope sensor should not be installed under piping or equipment that can condense liquid as the condensation
could drip on the rope causing an alarm.
In the sub-floor of a computer room the rope should be installed after the raised floor conduit and piping are installed
and the sub-floor cleaned and sealed.
For further information, please refer to Airedale’s Technical Bulletin and Loose Part Instruction Manual.
Any electrically conductive attachment devices used must not touch the stainless steel sensing
element within the water detection PVC twisted rope. The maximum length of detector loop,
including wire and detection rope is 30 metres (98.4 ft). Where the rope is concealed or not easily
accessible, rope runs should be limited to no more than 30 metres (98.4 ft) and 10 to 25 metres
(32.8 - 82.0 ft) per zone is generally used. If the water detection rope is to be attached to or
covered by a metallic or conductive surface, care should be taken not to short the conductors.
When installing the rope sensor to any surface, be careful not to short circuit or ground out the
stainless steel sensing element (such as over/under conduit or sharp edges of cable trays etc.).
This also applies to any covering which may be applied over the rope. Before installing the rope,
be sure to inspect areas where the rope sensor is to be applied for presence of chemical materials
that could create problems. If in doubt, it is recommended to clean the floor with a mild detergent.
Positioning of Pressure Sensor Diffuser for Constant Pressure Control
Constant pressure control is supplied with a loose pressure diffuser and sensor which should be positioned either in the
supply floor void or return air ductwork away from the unit and out of direct turbulent airflow in order to measure static
pressure. The diffuser and sensor should not be positioned close to any floor grilles.
Precision Air Conditioning