TM SmartCool One 5057724 v1.0_08_2022
The unit must maintain power once the waterside has been commissioned to allow the pressure
transducer to operate correctly. This is to mitigate the scenario of an increase in water pressure
exceeding the valve close off pressure or causing catastrophic failure of the water circuit.
If power cannot be maintained after commissioning, the waterside system must always be checked
before isolating to ensure the valve is open to avoid issues with liquid lock, and the internal water
temperature should not be allowed to raise significantly.
Fan Section
AHU Fan Motor
Record the following information on the commissioning sheet:
Fan motor size
Drive type
Is the rotation correct?
Motor currents (L1, L2 and L3)
Fan speed
Overload settings
Phase voltage
Filter Change Switch
If fitted, ensure that the filter change switch is operating.
Glycol units
Glycol Type/Concentration
Check and record the glycol type and strength: Glycol concentration is measured by use of a Refractometer. Low levels
of glycol can cause freeze up problems when operating at low temperatures or during the unit off state during cold
ambient conditions. High concentrations of glycol can increase the system pressure drop and impair heat exchanger
Record the following information on the commissioning sheet:
Water flow rate.
Water pressure drop; record the fluid pressure drop at full flow to the coil. Binder insertion points are fitted to the
unit for this purpose.
2-Port Chilled Water and 2-Port Bypass Valves
The chilled water valve is modulated proportionally to provide the required cooling with respect to cooling demand. A
bypass leg fitted with a further 2 port valve regulates system pressure drop.
The system pressure drop must be determined by the control system at design flow rate during commissioning. To
initiate this process, select the Auto-Commissioning function in the Service menu on the controller (please refer to the
SmartCool One Controls Manual for more information).
Initially, this process fully closes the bypass valve and fully opens the CW valve to insure maximum flow through the
unit. The differential pressure is then sampled at four intervals over the space of a minute. The result is averaged, and
this becomes the unit differential pressure setpoint. The controller maintains the same pressure drop through the coil by
using a PID loop on the bypass output.
To prevent step changes in the valves and therefore both the CW and bypass valves competing, dampening will be used
on the analogue outputs.
Day One Operation
During installation and commissioning the unit may experience higher humidity levels than it was designed for. The
unit fan speed should be limited until the application conditions have stabilised and met design specification, to prevent
condensate from leaving the coil fin surface at high air velocities. The velocity must be kept under 1.15m/s to prevent
moisture carryover.
Precision Air Conditioning