Installer Manual
Microvideo srl
Chapter 2 –Modules Description
Radio Remote Control (mod. SY915)
The figure below shows a reproduction of the SY-915 Radio Remote Controls. Through the
Remote Control you can interact with the system and receive information on the status of
the loan with the LED. The Remote Control consists of 5 main parts:
A. Led Reporting
B. Red Button
C. Green Button
D. Blue Button 1
E. Blue Button 2
Interacting with Keys
Each key of remote control can be associated with 3 categories of actions:
To implement an action associated with a button you need to press the desired button and
wait until the LED flashes once RED light, this signal indicates that the remote control has
forwarded the request to perform the action to the Control Panel.
Once you press the button you have to wait for an answer from the Central always by the
flashing LED, the possible responses are:
Blink Sequence
Action Successfully
1 Blue
Action Executing failed
2 Blue
Arming System Completed
3 Red
Arming System Failed,
Zones in Alarm
1 Green
1 Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue (3 times)
Disarming the Alarm System
Executed Successfully
1 Green
Each time you press a key (and the command is accepted by remote control through a
flashing red), you should always wait for the response from the plant, indicated by the
sequence of LEDs in the table above: if the answer is not displayed by the LED means