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Command TW
<id>TW<para5> Propagation time delay west sensor (Sensor delay WEST sensor)
Access: Configuration key
Description: Instrument-dependent delay time of sensor. This parameter is set on factory
adjustment and must not be changed.
Range of values 0…4096
Initial value: 0
Command UA
<id>UA<para5> Addition of characters to user-defined telegram (Add User telegram item)
Access: Enquiry mode
Description: In the user-specific telegram this command can be used to add a new definition to the
end of the telegram: see, User-specific telegram, Command US.
The data generated can be interrogated using the command TR6 or TT6: see also
Command TR, Command TT
Range of values Character string
Initial value: No initial value
Command UD
<id>UD,<para5> User-defined text ( User data )
Access User mode
Description The instrument provides a data buffer of 32 texts with 32 signs each, where any text
can be stored. By the command UD this buffer is administered. The format of entry is
n: index 1..32
xxxx: text with a maximum length of 32 signs
returns all user-specific texts, for ex.
00UDn with 0<n<33
returns the text with index ‘n’
See also Administration of User Information
Range of values character string
Initial value no initial value
Command UR
<id>UR<para5> Deletion of one or more definitions at the end of the user-defined telegram (Remove
User telegram item)
Access: Enquiry mode
Description: This command can be used to delete one or more definitions from the end of the user-
defined telegram. The ULTRASONIC internally splits the character strings given to it
into separate definitions. For example, the output of a variable is always an
independent definition.
This command can be used to delete definitions step by step: see also User-specific
telegram, Command US.
The data generated can be interrogated using the command TR6 or TT6: see also
Command TR, Command TT