56 - 56 021537/06/10
9 List of Commands
Command AA
T <id>AA<para5> Functions for PIN WG/RXD-( analogue channel A )
Command AB
T <id>AB<para5> Functions for PIN WR/RXD+ ( analogue channel B )
Command AC
T <id>AC<para5> Functions for the PIN ADIO (analogue channel C )
Command AM T <id>AM<para5> Setting the method of communication ( average mode )
Command AN
T <id>AN<para5> Analogue output mode ( analogue output )
Command AO
T <id>AO<para5> Scaling of the analogue wind direction output ( angle output )
Command AR
Scaling of the analogue wind speed output (analogue range)
Command AS
Set the analogue outputs to a fixed value
Command AT
Checks the analogue in-/outputs
Command AV
Communication period ( averaging time )
Command AU
Update of the analogue inputs (analogue update rate)
Command AY
Scaling of the minimum value for analogue input PIN WG/RXD-
Command AZ
Scaling of the maximum value for analogue input PIN WG/RXD-
Command BH
Select measuring instrument address of Bavaria Hesse
Command BL
Returns the version of the boot loader (boot loader version)
Command BP
Time for pretrigger in burst mode (burst pretrigger)
Command BS
Buffer range in burst mode (burst store)
Command BR
Selecting the baud rate ( baud rate )
Command BT
bus terminating resistor (bus termination)
Command BX
Selecting the baud rate ( baud rate extension )
Command BY
Scaling of the minimum value for analogue input PIN WG/RXD+
Command BZ
Scaling of the maximum value for analogue input PIN WG/RXD+
Command CA
Adjustment value for analog outputs in 0.1 per mil (inclination)
Command CB
Adjustment value for analog outputs (offset correction)
Command CI
Select the command interpreter ( command Interpreter)
Command CY
Scaling of the minimum value for analogue input PIN ADIO
Command CZ
Scaling des maximum value for analogue input PIN ADIO
Command DA
Data request of the command interpreter of Bavaria Hesse
Command DE
Standard deviation
Command DF <id>DF<para5>
Set initial values ( default values )
Command DM <id>DM<para5>
Duplex mode of the serial interface (Duplex mode)
Command DV
Instrument version, date- time information of firmware
Command DX
Effective acoustic measurement path length of the X-path (nominally
Command DY
Effective acoustic measurement path length of the Y-path (nominally
Command EI
Analogue value max. /min. in case of error ( error inversion )
Command FB
Instrument re-start with/ w/o option for firmware update (Fast Boot)
Command GU
Maximum value of WV and resp. WD in the averaging time, gust
Command HC
Threshold of the supply voltage for switch-on suppression of heating
(heating control)
Command HT
Heating control
Command ID
Instrument ID
Command KY
Access mode ( key )
Command MA <id>MA>>para5>
Automatic adjustment of the measuring value acquisition
(measurement automation)
Command MD <id>MD>>para5>
Interval of the meas. value acquisition of the measurement delay
Command NC
North Correction