21 - 21 021537/06/10
With the command
00BR<cr> <cr> stands for Carriage return (Enter key)
the selected data record for the baud rate is returned.
The receiving buffer of the ULTRASONIC can be cleared by sending a carriage
return <CR>. If the ULTRASONIC possibly has invalid characters in the receiving
buffer, this buffer can be processed by sending a carriage return. In this case, it is
advisable to send a carriage return at the beginning of the telegram, for example:
<cr>00BR<cr> <cr> stands for Carriage return (Enter key)
7.1.4 Return values of ULTRASONIC
After a valid command has been input, the ULTRASONIC sends acknowledgement, e.g.
acceptance of the parameter or output of a data telegram.
For a standard command the response starts with a '!', followed by the ID and the parameter value.
If the input command is TR or TT, the ULTRASONIC transmits a data telegram as the response.
If the command cannot be processed for a certain reason, the instrument transmits a telegram with
the error code 'CE' (Command Error). The meanings of the values for CE are summarised in
'Table 2.
Value output in CE telegram
Incorrect access mode
Parameter not in valid range
4 or 32
Violation regarding parameters of other commands
Table 2: Return values with incorrect interpretation of command
7.1.5 Access Mode
For configuration the ULTRASONIC has a set of commands which determine behaviour in terms of
the propagation time. The commands are broken down into three levels:
Enquiry Mode
User mode
Configuration mode