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Command PT
<id>PT<para5> Periodic ime transmitter (Period Transmit Time)
Access: Configuration mode
Description: The value sets the transmit time period in the serial register in the analog section of the
ULTRASONIC. This value must not be changed under any circumstances. It is factory-
Range of values 13..99
Initial value: 39
Unit: 100ns
Command PW
<id>PW<para5> System voltage ( Power )
Access: User mode
Description: Returns the measured supply voltage in Volt..
Effective from software version V3.09 and hardware 08-08 the parameter is supported.
If the available instrument does not support the measurement of the supply voltage, the
text „System power ctrl not supported“ is output on inquiry.
Command RC
<id>RC<para5> Correction factor for analog input values (Reference Correction)
Access: Configuration mode
Description: The command specifies a correction factor in 10ppm for the measured values of the
analog inputs. The value is factory-adjusted and must not be changed.
Range of values: 0…1000
Initial value: Device-dependent
Command RD
<id>RD<para5> Response delay
Access: User mode
Description: The command delays the response, after a command via the serial interface, by the
mentioned time in ms.
Range of values: 0...1000
Initial value: 5
Unit: ms
Command RF
<id>RF<para5> Restart with invalid measuring values (Restart at fail)
Access: User mode
By this command it is determined after which period the ULTRASONIC carries out a
restart, in case no valid data have been measured. A parameter value of 0 inactivates
the function.
A restart is triggered only in case no valid measuring value has been acquired within
the stated time interval.