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7.3.5 Gust Acquisition
With preset averaging the ULTRASONIC acquires mean values of wind velocity and wind direction.
It is expedient, with some application, to output the maximum wind velocity within the mean value
period and the respective wind direction..
From software version V1.42 this function is supported. The maximum wind velocity in the mean
value buffer is acquired through the command GU (‘gust’) . The length of gust is set in 100ms
increments through the parameter of the command GU. It ranges from 100m to 3 sec. The
parameter value 0 deactivates the gust measurement.
00GU10 Activates the gust acquisition. The length of gust I 1 second.
00GU0 Deactivates the gust measurement.
The measurement values of the gust can be output only by means of the user-specific telegram.
See chapter 7.4.5
00AV3 one minute averaging
00GU030 Length of gust is 3 seconds (WMO-recommendation for gust length)
00UT\02@08,04,01@ @09,03@ @12,05,01,01@ @39,04,01@ @40,03@
User-specific protocol. Query through TR6 or TT6
VDT-telegram plus gust
(STX) WV WD VT WV_gust WD_gust status*check sum(CR)(ETX)
00UT2 storing of the user-specific telegram
00TT6 automatic output of the data telegram
The measurement values of the gusts have the following characteristic:
The preset time for the gust must be less than the preset averaging period.
See Command AV
If the period of the mean values is less than or even the period of gust, zero is output for
the wind velocity and wind direction of the gust.
In case the wind velocity of the gust is < 0,1 m/s, 0 is output for the wind direction.
If the calculated wind direction is 0, it is set to 360.