44 - 44 021537/06/10 Extended status information
The extended status is structured bitwise. The individual bits in the status value have the following
Bit number
Averaging time < 10sec An error is output when no new measured
value can be determined during a period of
Bit 0
General malfunction
Averaging time >=
An error is output when, based on a one-
second measuring rate, less than 50% of
values are contained.
Example: With an averaging time of 10
seconds 5 measured values must be
contained in the averaging buffer.
Bit 1
Heating criterion
Is one when the criterion for switch-on of the heating is satisfied.
Bit 2
Heating on
Is one when heating is switched on.
Bit 3
Is always zero.
Bit 4
Static malfunction
Is set when a static malfunction has occurred, e.g. lasting violation of
VT, no measured values. (> 1min)
Bit 5 .. bit 7
Is always zero.
Bit 8
Bit 9
Bit 10
Bit 11
Used averaging
Specifies the averaging memory occupied. Bit 1 to bit 3 indicate the
filling level of the averaging buffer in binary format.
0: Buffer 0< x
1: Buffer 1/8 < x
1/8 filled
2: Buffer 1/8 < x
3/16 filled
3: Buffer 3/16 < x
1/4 filled
4: Buffer 1/4< x
5/16 filled
5: Buffer 5/16 < x
3/8 filled
6: Buffer 3/8 < x
7/16 filled
7: Buffer 7/16 < x
1/2 filled
8: Buffer 1/2 < x
9/16 filled
9: Buffer 9/16 < x
5/8 filled
10: Buffer 5/8 < x
11/16 filled
11: Buffer 11/16 < x
3/4 filled
12: Buffer 3/4 < x
13/16 filled
13: Buffer 13/16 < x
7/8 filled
14: Buffer 7/8 < x
15/16 filled
15: Buffer 15/16 < x
1 filled
Bit 12
Bit 13
Flag restart
Is reset to zero in the first output-telegram after restart.
Bit 14..bit15
Is always zero
Bit 16..bit31
Is always zero.