52 - 52 021537/06/10
00FB00001 or FB00002
is set.
7.15.1 X-Modem Boot loader
For the uploading of new firmware via the serial interface the protocol XMODEM CRC is used with
a reference length of 128byte per package Necessary are a PC and a terminal program with a
respective possibility of setting. Tested and released is the boot loader with Windows-hyper
terminal and ZOC (V4.11).
The boot loader starts always with 96000baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and a stop bit (9600,8,N,1)
On starting the instrument the following data are output: version, used ID, and the set duplex mode
of the ULTRASONIC. For re-starting the instrument without cutting-off the supply please use the
reset-command „<id>RS1“.
XModem Loader CRC
Version 3.04
Insert 00UP00001 to start bootloader
In order to continue to parameterize the boot loader, please enter the command <id>UP1 together
with the ID, here: 00UP1. Alternatively, the command<id>UP2 can be transmitted directly in order
to start the transfer immediately. For entering the command the user has approx. 10 minutes. If no
valid command or <id>UP0 is entered within this time period the ULTRASONIC firmware starts.
When entering <id>UP1 the ULTRASONIC turns into the boot loader mode where further details
can be stated. The following output appears:
use <id>BR000XX to set baudrate
use <id>ID000XX to set ID
use <id>DM0000X to set duplex mode
use <id>UP00000 to cancel upload
use <id>UP00002 to start upload
The command codes have to be entered always in capital letters (in „normal“ operation also
lower case letters are accepted)
The baud rate can be changed through BR. All baud rates, containing 8 data bits, are valid.
For further parameter see chap. Command BR
The instrument address can be set by ID. Valid valued are here within the range 0 <= ID <=
The duplex mode is changed by DM. <id>DM1 is full duplex, <id>DM0 is halve duplex.
The program transfer is started by the command <id>UP2.
By <id>UP0 the transfer program is terminated and the ultrasonic-firmware is started.
Remark: All parameters which are changed here, are valid only for the time period of the boot
loader. They do not change the values in the global parameter memory.
After entering of the command <id>UP2 the ULTRASONIC starts the data transfer, by sending
cyclically the sigh “C”. The user has now approx. 30sec. for starting the transfer program of the
terminal. When the transfer program is started the data transfer initiates with secured CRC-check
sum. Erroneous and disappeared data packages are resent automatically, so that the received
data are error-free.