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Command OD
Emulation of an ULTRASONIC 1D ( one dimension )
Command OH
Query of the operatingl hours counter (operational hours)
Command OR
Telegram output interval ( output ratio )
Command OS
Scaling of wind speed output (output scale )
Command PC
Plausibility check
Command PR
Period receive time
Command PT
Period Transmit Time
Command PW <id>PW<para5>
Output of measured supply voltage (power)
Command RC
Slew rate calibration of the A/D converter
Command RD
Response delay on telegram query (Response delay)
Command RF
Restart in case of invalid measuring values (restart at fail)
Command RP
Read Parameter data set (read parameters
Command RS
Re-start ULTRASONIC ( reset )
Command SC
Starting value of the characteristic of the analogue outputs, 4..20 mA
( start current )
Command SE
Output of the stored system information (system events)
Command SH
Serial number high word
Command SL
Serial number low word
Command SM
System event mask
Command SP
Store parameter data set (Store Parameters)
Command SS
System status
Command SV
Software version
Command TB
Specifies data telegram outputting data after burst measurement
Command TC
Correction of cross wind component of VT (Temperature correction)
Command TE
Sensor delay EAST sensor
Command TN
Sensor delay NORTH sensor
Command TR
Telegram request ( transmit request )
Command TT
Autonomous telegram output ( transmit telegram )
Command TS
Sensor delay SOUTH sensor
Command TW <id>TW<para5>
Sensor delay WEST sensor
Command UA
Definition of user-specific telegram (User Added telegram)
Command UD
User-defined character (User data)
Command UR
Remove in the user-defined telegram ( remove user telegram )
Command US
Save user-specific telegram definition (user telegram save)
Command UT
Telegram acc. to user’s specification ( user telegram )
Command VC
Constant velocity correction (velocity correction)
Command VT
Angle-dependent velocity correction ( Velocity table )
Command XI
External ID