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7.2.3 Scaling of analog wind velocity
With the analog wind velocity the user has the option of specifying the velocity for the terminal
value of the measuring range with the command AR. In the preset value the scaling is 0..60m/s:
see Command AR.
The terminal scaling value is specified in m/s. For example the command 00AR30 scales the
analog output range of 0..30m/s wind velocity. With a setting of 2..10V this results in the following:
WV =0m/s -> 2V and
WV=30m/s -> 10V
See also Command AR.
7.2.4 Scaling of analog wind direction
The ULTRASONIC offers additional formatting options for output of the analog wind direction.
Firstly the wind direction can be corrected with a constant offset, and secondly the instrument
allows the wind direction to be output via a range of 0..360°, 0..540° and 0..720°. The last two
modes are used when compatibility of the indicating device is required.
7.2.5 Correction to north
The command NC is used to adjust the measured angle of the wind direction into positive direction
by an angle offset. This entered value is added to the measured angle of the wind direction
internally in the instrument. If the resulting value is greater than 360°, 360° is subtracted from the
corrected angle value. The setting is then used when the ULTRASONIC with its north sensor could
not directly be aligned to north, and this error angle must be corrected electronically afterwards
Also see here Command NC.
The output value of the angle of 0..360° at the ana log interface is the presetting. In this mode the
value at the analog interface then always 'jumps' between Minimum and Maximum when the wind
direction changes between 1° and 360°.
See also Command AO.