Technical Manual – IP Router SCN-IP100.03
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
43 Macros
In order to display values in emails, macros can be used. The following macros are available:
-> If this macro is inserted in the text, so the IP Router replaces this by the device
-> If this macro is inserted into the text, so the IP Router replaces this to the date and
time at which the e-mail event was triggered.
$Nxx$ -> If this macro is inserted into the text so the IP Router replace it with the name of
the Status element "xx". Should, e.g. the name of the Status element 11 be displayed, so
must be entered $N11$. For the Status element 1 it is enough to enter $N1$.
$Vxx$ -> If this macro is inserted into the text, so the IP Router replaces this with the value
of Status elements „xx“. Should, e.g. the value of the Status element 11 be displayed, so
must be entered $V11$. For the Status element 1 it is enough to enter $V1$.
A semicolon creates a line break, or writes the first part before the semicolon in the subject
line of the email.
For the following examples the device name “MDT” is given. The status element 1 has the name
"light kitchen" and the data point type 1 bit switching.
Texts for E-Mail: $D$ $T$ $N1$ $V1$
An email with the subject “bit alarm: MDT” will be sent. The text of the e-mail is:
MDT date-time light kitchen OFF
Since nothing is separated by a semicolon, the whole text is put into the description field of
the e-mail and used for the subject of the default-subject. The macros in the text field will be
replaced by the IP Router and lined up
Texts for E-Mail: $D$; $T$; $N1$: $V1$
An email with the subject “MDT” will be sent. The text of the e-mail is:
Date –Time
Light Kitchen: OFF (depending on the current value)
The semicolons separate the name of the device as subject and the text of the email. After
that date, an additional line break is generated.