Technical Manual – IP Router SCN-IP100.03
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3.2.7 Commissioning/ Secure Commissioning
It can be decided for each device whether commissioning should be carried out in a secure or
unsecured manner. If the commissioning is not secured, the device can be used as a normal device
without Data Secure.
By default, the ETS sets all devices to Secure commissioning when inserted. This item can be changed
by the user under Device ->Properties ->Settings:
Figure 7: Secure Commissioning/Secure Tunneling
3.2.8 Tunneling/Secure Tunneling
Tunneling refers to a KNX point-to-point connection on the TCP/IP network. For each IP Secure
device, it can be decided whether the tunneling connections are transmitted "Secure" or "Plain", see
Figure 3 above.