Technical Manual – IP Router SCN-IP100.03
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4.7.3 Set tunneling connections Procedure for IP Router without Secure
The KNX IP router / KNX IP interface supports up to 4 simultaneous connections. The first physical
address is adjusted as described under 4.7 in the ETS connections. In the Web-Interface, the further
physical addresses can be assigned automatically by pressing the “Set” button in the menu
Figure 24: Set Tunneling Addresses (without Secure)
Now the 3 following physical addresses are assigned. If for example, the IP Router has got the first
tunneling address assigned to the physical address 15.15.241, so the device provides further
tunneling addresses automatically to 15.15.242, 15.15.243 and 15.15.244. When the first address
was assigned to x.x.255, so the further tunneling addresses are not assigned automatically!