Model: MTS200 (1U)
Doc. Ref. no. : m08/om/201
Issue no. : 03
User’s Manual
Page 58 of 195
Page 58 of 195
automatically. For automatic allocation for IPv6 address, user have to select ENABLE for ETH v6
AUTOCONF and press OK key to save changes as shown in figure.
Once, user set AUTOCONF as ENABLE, user need to wait till respected Ethernet port receives IPv6
address from network. User can view allocated IPv6 address in ETH v6 GLOBAL ADD menu.
Once, AUTOCONF is set to ENABLE, user can view allocated IPv6 address, subnetmask and
gateway address in "ETH v6 GLOBAL ADD", "ETH v6 SUBNETMASK" and "ETH v6 GATEWAY"
respectively. Till the IPv6 address is not allocated "ETH v6 ADDRESS" filed will display "::" and "ETH
v6 SUBNETMASK" field will display "000". Till the IPv6 default gateway is not defined by network,
"ETH v6 GATEWAY" field will display "::".
In case of bonding, displayed address is based on active Ethernet port.
Her, user can configure IPv6 address and it's subnetmask for specific port as shown in figure. If
AUTOCONF is ENABLE for respective port, user cannot configure it. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long in
8 group of 16 bits.