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D-620003-0-20 Rev J
System Hardware
System Hardware
The InterReach Unison system consists of three modular components:
• 19" rack-mountable
Main Hub
(connects to up to 4 Expansion Hubs)
• RF signal conversion to optical on the downlink; optical to RF on the uplink
• Microprocessor controlled (for alarms, monitoring, and control)
• Software configurable band
• Simplex interface to RF source
• System master – periodically polls all downstream units (Expansion
Hubs/RAUs) for system status, and automatically reports any fault or warning
• 19" rack-mountable
Expansion Hub
(connects to up to 8 Remote Access Units)
• Optical signal conversion to electrical on the downlink; electrical to optical on
the uplink
• Microprocessor controlled (for alarms, monitoring, and control)
• Software configurable band (based on command from Main Hub)
• Supplies DC power to RAU
Remote Access Unit
• Electrical signal conversion to RF on the downlink; RF to electrical on the
• Microprocessor controlled (for alarms, monitoring, and control)
• Protocol/band specific units
The minimum configuration of a Unison system is one Main Hub, one Expansion
Hub, and one RAU (1-1-1). The maximum configuration of a system is one Main
Hub, four Expansion Hubs, and 32 RAUs (1-4-32). You can combine multiple sys-
tems to provide larger configurations.
Figure 2-1
Unison System Hardware