InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual
D-620003-0-20 Rev J
Status Messages
Status messages alert you to conditions that are important but do not generally impact
service. Status messages are displayed in the Messages pane in blue lettering.
AdminManager v2.04 or higher displays events (faults, warnings,
or status messages) depending on your view preference. To change your
view preference, refer to Section 3.4.2, “View Preference,” on page 3-10.
The icons displayed in the system status tree assume that there are
no other faults or warnings present.
Main Hub Status Messages
Table 9-7
Status Messages Reported by the Main Hub
Status Message
[MS03]Downlink laser is failing
Replace the MH when possible.
[MS04]Fan failure
Check the fan for rotation, airflow blockage, and dust. Replace the MH on high
temperature warning.
[MS05]Commanded Out-of-Service
Command In-service to restore operation.
[MS06]Factory special test mode
Cycle the power to clear.
[MS07]System Lockout
Check the MH for faults.
[MS08]Unable to perform system test on
power up
Check the EHs and RAUs for faults. Re-run system test.
[MS09]EH1/RAU reports warning condi-
Check EH 1 and the RAU for warnings.
[MS10]EH2/RAU reports warning condi-
Check EH 2 and the RAU for warnings.
[MS11]EH3/RAU reports warning condi-
Check EH 3 and the RAU for warnings.
[MS12]EH4/RAU reports warning condi-
Check EH 4 and the RAU for warnings.
[MS13]Port 1 UL fiber interface has high
optical loss
Uplink optical loss is above the recommended minimum. If periodic messages
MF45-MF48 (EH disconnects) occur, the fiber optical loss is near the absolute
Excessive uplink optical loss may also result in MW29-MF32 codes.
Clean the fiber cable connectors and ports.