InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual
D-620003-0-20 Rev J
Changes and New Capabilities
To check the firmware version of any Unison component, launch AdminManager and
right-click on the component icon (main hub, expansion hub, or RAU) in the hierar-
chical tree. Select “Get Information” in the pull down menu.
LGC recommends that you use the latest firmware to optimize operations of your
Unison system. The latest firmware can be downloaded through the LGC Customer
Portal, accessible through our main website at
New in Rev. J of Manual
• Support for two new AWS bands
New in Rev. H. of Manual
• Supports scheduled system test.
• Supports 1 dB step attenuator and antenna disconnect in UMTS-2.
• Antenna disconnect alarm is user selectable between status and warning.
• Bookmarks for navigational ease
• Link to LGC Wireless customer portal for on-line configuration tools and product
compatibility information
• Supports UPS contact closure (UNS-EH-2 only) monitoring at the Expansion Hub
• Support for 4 new PCS bands
• New system configuration screen shot
• Updated Maintenance and troubleshooting section