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D-620003-0-20 Rev J
{EF55}RAU 7 over current
Port power trip. Disconnect the CAT-5 cable and issue 'Clear All Disconnects'
command. The EH port LEDs should be Off/Off. If they are not, the port has
been damaged and can no longer be used. Check the CAT-5 cable, re-crimp the
connector. If the fault persists, replace the RAU.
Check Cat-5E/6 cable for shorts/opens, especially on new install. Try another
EH port. If no fault is reported, flag the previous port as unusable and replace
the EH when possible. Otherwise, replace the RAU. Use “Clear All Disconnect
Status” command to clear fault, or power-cycle the EH.
{EF56}RAU 8 over current
Port power trip. Disconnect the CAT-5 cable and issue 'Clear All Disconnects'
command. The EH port LEDs should be Off/Off. If they are not, the port has
been damaged and can no longer be used. Check the CAT-5 cable, re-crimp the
connector. If the fault persists, replace the RAU.
Check Cat-5E/6 cable for shorts/opens, especially on new install. Try another
EH port. If no fault is reported, flag the previous port as unusable and replace
the EH when possible. Otherwise, replace the RAU. Use “Clear All Disconnect
Status” command to clear fault, or power-cycle the EH.
{EF60} Internal fault lockout
Check the EH for faults. EH/RAUs are out of service on command from the
{EF61} External fault lockout
Check the MH for faults. The EH/RAUs are out of service on command of the
{EF62 Commanded Out-of-Service
Command In-Service to restore operation.
{EF63} 36 VAC Shutdown
36 VAC shutdown due to EH over temperature. Automatic recovery is possible
when internal ambient temperature drops below 65 degrees Centigrade.
Table 9-2
Faults Reported by the Expansion Hub (continued)