MS- E10 User Guide
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. 49
Topics covered in this chapter
Copying template and Excel files to Supervisor
MS-E10 devices in a factory out-of-the box state must be configured to install appropriate software modules and application
components in order to be a productive part of a Niagara installation. It is possible to commission each device individually, but
this would take quite a bit of time for a system with tens or hundreds of MS-E10 devices. In Niagara 4.6 and later, the
Provisioning environment provides a workflow to configure devices in bulk.
Architectural considerations
The MS-E10 device can be connected in several different network topologies.
MS-E10 devices connected to the secondary port of a JACE-8000.
With or without a switch.
With or without an isolated DHCP server.
MS-E10 devices connected directly to the IT network.
For more details, see “Constructing a network with MS-E10 devices”.
Device provisioning
In Niagara 4.6 and later, provisioning steps are available to simplify and enhance the provisioning workflow required to establish
a functioning MS-E10 installation. These provisioning steps are all part of a complete workflow, and should be performed in the
sequence in which they are described below.
In addition, the provisioning batch job management has been improved to enable provisioning jobs to concurrently run across
multiple stations. By default, the number of parallel executions is derived based on the supervisor's hardware platform. This
concurrency applies to any provisioning job, not just those containing these new device provisioning steps.
See the Niagara Provisioning Guide for details on existing Niagara provisioning capabilities, including the creation of a
provisioning environment on a Supervisor, creating provisioning jobs to run a sequence of steps, monitoring the execution of
these jobs on a set of devices, and reviewing job results.