MS- E10 User Guide
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©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. 33
If the MS-E10 device is in daisy chain mode, interface2 is not available for TCP/IP configuration.
If enabling more than one LAN port (applicable to PRI/LAN1, SEC/LAN2) then the IP address for each must be configured on
different subnets, otherwise the ports will not function correctly.
For example, with a typical “Class C” subnet mask of,
Interface 1=
Interface 2=
is an invalid configuration, as both addresses are on the same subnet.
Alternatively, if the network supports DHCP, you can enable it (click DHCP Enabled). In this case, the IP Address and Subnet
Mask fields become read only.
Note that in general (for stability, static IP addressing is recommended over DHCP. If DHCP is preferred, an IP Address
'Reservation' should be entered for the controller in the DHCP Server. The controller IP address should not change.
Do not enable DHCP unless you are certain that the network has DHCP servers! Other- wise, the controller may
become unreachable over the network.
Step 3: Review and adjust other TCP/IP settings as needed, which (in usual order of importance) include:
IPv4 Gateway — The IP address for the device that forwards packets to other networks or subnets.
The MS-E10
device only supports one gateway for all adapters.
DNS Domain Name — Enter the name of network domain, or if not applicable, leave blank.
DNSv4 Servers — Click the
add button for a field to enter the IPv4 address of one or more DNS servers.
Hostname — Default may be “localhost,” or enter another name you want to use for this host. If a hostname is entered,
typically the name is unique for the domain.
In some installations, changing hostname may result in unintended impacts on the network, depending on how the DHCP
or DNS servers are configured. If in doubt, leave hostname at default.
Hosts File — Click control to expand edit field. Format is a standard TCP/IP hosts file, where each line associates a
particular IP address with a known host name. Each entry should be on an individual line. The IP address should be placed
in the first column, followed by the corresponding host name. The IP address and the host name should be separated by at
least one space.
To add a line, click at the end of the last line and press Enter.
Type in the required data on the new line.
To return to see all TCP/IP settings, click the control to collapse the edit field when done.
The Undo Changes button resets all settings (all Interfaces) back to the original pre-step values.
Step 4: Click the Next button to go to the next step.
MS-E10 devices have two Ethernet ports, where “Interface 2” is available for configuring the secondary (LAN2)
Ethernet port (unless the device is in daisy chain mode). By default, this port is disabled, that is without a “default”
address. The intended usage of this secondary port is for:
Connecting multiple MS-E10 devices by daisy chaining one device to the next. In this scenario, each device’s SEC port
is used to connect to another MS-E10 device. Note that in daisy chain mode, Interface 2 (SEC/LAN2) is not available
for TCP/IP configuration.
Isolating a “driver’s” Ethernet traffic from the primary (LAN1) interface, OR
In some cases, LAN2 may be set up with a standard, fixed, IP address that is used only by a company’s service
technician, when on site. This allows access to the device without disconnecting it from the customer’s network, or
without connecting the technician’s service PC to the customer’s network (which might go against local IT security