MS- E10 User Guide
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. 12
Topics covered in this chapter
Initial configuration and setup
Setting up a single device using Commissioning
Consider the following areas to prepare before proceeding: Power, connectivity, software and PC requirements.
Provide power
Refer to the LG MultiSITE E10 Installation Manual for details on adding power wiring and Ethernet wiring connections to the
The MS-E10 device is not compatible with a Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) network. Connecting the Edge device on a network
segment which carries power causes the unit to fail (lockup). In that event, you must disconnect it from the POE network
segment and cycle power to the unit.
Provide connectivity
This section provides an overview of several common connectivity options, and indicates which setup options should be used.
MS-E10 devices can be connected to each other and to other Ethernet devices in a variety of different ways. Depending on how
the controllers are connected, the controllers will need to be configured using either the Workbench Commissioning, the
Provisioning Service of a connected supervisor /JACE, or both.
Constructing a network with MS-E10 devices
MS-E10 devices have a built in two-port Real-Time Transport Protocol (RSTP) capable switch, enabling them to be
interconnected in a variety different Ethernet topologies. The three basic topologies are described here.
MS-E10 devices can be connected to each other and to other Ethernet devices in a variety of different ways. Depending on how
the MS-E10 devices are connected, they will need to be configured using either the Workbench Commissioning tool, the
Provisioning Service of a connected Supervisor/JACE, or both.