MS- E10 User Guide
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As an alternative to re-assigning your PC’s IP address, you can do one of the following:
Obtain a USB-to-Ethernet network adapter (second network interface card, or NIC), and use it with an Ethernet
crossover cable to commission MS-E10 devices. In this case, configure this second NIC to use the settings in the
remainder of this step.
Use a serial shell mode connection to the MS-E10 device to re-assign its factory IP address settings. After making this
change and rebooting the device, you can continue commissioning using Workbench. This requires a USB-to-
MicroUSB adapter cable, VCP driver, and a special power-up mode for the MS-E10 device.
VCP (Virtual COM Port) drivers cause a USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC. Using
terminal emulation software, such as PuTTY or ClearTerminal, the PC can access the USB device in the same way as
it would access a standard COM port. VCP driver downloads are available at www.ftdichip.com and other sites.
For this initial connection to a factory-shipped MS-E10 device, configure your PC’s NIC to use an IP address in the same subnet
as the MS-E10 device, as well as a matching subnet mask.
Set the IP address in the range:
with a subnet mask of:
Do not assign your PC the identical IP address as the MS-E10 device’s factory-assigned IP address.
Step 7: From your PC, start Workbench. The Nav tree should be visible in the side bar area (left pane). If not, from the
menu bar, select Window
Side Bars
Opening a platform connection to the device
Once the MS-E10 device has powered up, connect to it with Workbench. A platform connection to any MS-E10 device is
required for most host-level operations. This includes installing Niagara 4.7 core software and modules and performing various
other platform tasks.
Step 1: From the menu bar, select File
Open Platform.
The Open Platform dialog box appears.
Step 2: Complete the fields in the Open Platform dialog box as follows:
Type — Select Platform Connection, if not already selected.
By default, Workbench prompts for a Platform TLS Connection.
Host — Leave at default IP, and type in the IP address of the new MS-E10
Port — Leave at default
Credentials, which may be:
Username — Type in default username, for example:
Password — Type in default password, for example: