MS- E10 User Guide
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Install device application
MS-E10 devices ship with a default station installed. In Niagara 4.6 and later, customer applications can be deployed to multiple
devices using templates.
A template contains a single component tree, so it is possible that multiple templates are needed to achieve a desired station
component configuration. The provisioning steps allow templates to be deployed to a set of stations in a NiagaraNetwork,
along with any defined inputs, outputs, relations, and configurations.
For more information on template creation and management, see the
Niagara Templates Guide
Template setup
Follow the process described in “Template Bulk Deployment” in the Niagara Templates Guide to generate and configure
template bulk provisioning Excel files. These are used along with the associated template files to deploy templates in a
provisioning job.
MS-E10 devices
One important feature useful for provisioning is the Unique Device column in the Excel file. This allows an individual template
instance to be applied to a single device (IP address or device name), making it possible to apply unique template configurations
to separate devices in one provisioning job.
Copying template and Excel files to Supervisor
The configured template bulk provisioning Excel files are used along with the associated template files to deploy templates in a
provisioning job.
MS-E10 devices
Step 1
In your Supervisor, navigate to the Drivers→NiagaraNetwork→ProvisioningNwExt to open the Niagara Network Job
Builder view.
Step 2 Click the Copy Templates button at the bottom of the view to open a File Chooser.
Step 3 In the Template Configuration File Chooser window, use multi-select (Shift + Control) to select the set of .xls and .ntpl
files to be used for provisioning, and click OK.
The selected files are transferred from their source (typically inside your Niagara User Home /templates folder) to the
Supervisor’s templateCache folder.