MS- E10 User Guide
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Deploy bulk template
Add this job step the provisioning job prototype.
Step 1 In the Niagara Network Job Builder view, click + (Add) under the middle pane to add provisioning job steps.
Step 2 In the New Job Step window, click to select the Deploy Template step to open a File Chooser.
Step 3 In the Template Configuration File Chooser window, navigate to the templateCache folder and select the Excel file to
use for this step.
Figure 36: Template configuration
The step will be added to the job sequence and will show the file path ORD to use.
If more than one Excel file/template file combination is needed to complete an entire application installation, multiple templates
can be exported to a single Excel file, where each template configuration is generated on a separate Excel worksheet tab.
Template instances would be configured on each tab in the Excel workbook.
It is also possible to include multiple Deploy Bulk Template steps in a single provisioning job.