MS- E10 User Guide
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
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Step 9 Add the Set Certificate Alias step and enter the certificate alias of the certificate you would like to use for your device. .
The alias should be the same alias entered for the certificate that was generated in the “Generate Certificate step”.
You are finished adding steps to this provisioning job.
Executing the job
Once the job setup is complete, your provision job should appear as shown.
Figure 35: MS-E10 device provisioning job
Update system software
Existing Niagara Provisioning includes a job step Upgrade Out-of-date Software. This will upgrade target devices with the latest
versions of platform (.dist file) and module (.jar file) software available in the Supervisor's software database.
Also available is the Install Software job step which installs new modules not already running on the target device. All software
MUST be installed on the device to support all dependencies required by the deployed station services, networks, templates, and
any other components.
Remember to use the Sync Workbench button in the Supervisor Software Manager view to copy the latest software from the
Workbench installation to the Supervisor station if needed. For details, see “provisioning Niagara-Supervisor Software Manager”
in the “Components” chapter of the Niagara Provisioning Guide.