“ Err Fd8 ”
Error in the detergent creation procedure.
Call the technical after-sales service.
“ Err FC8 ”
Error in the descaler creation procedure.
Call the technical after-sales service.
“ Err Cd1 ”
Make sure the detergent cap is screwed on properly. If the
signal persists, call the technical after-sales service.
“ Err CC1 ”
Make sure the cap for the descaler is screwed on properly.
If the signal persists, call the technical after-sales service.
“ Err Cd2 ” - “ Err Cd3 ”
Make sure the water tap is open and that there is water
in the mains. If the signal persists, call the technical after-
sales service.
“ Err CC2 ” - “ Err CC3 ”
Make sure the water tap is open and that there is water
in the mains. If the signal persists, call the technical after-
sales service.
“ Err Cd4 ” - “ Err Cd5 ”
Abnormal detergent consumption.
Call the technical after-sales service.
“ Err Cd4 ” - “ Err Cd5 ”
Abnormal descaler consumption.
Call the technical after-sales service.
The main fault warning messages are: