© ⅯⅯⅩⅡ Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 120613005
7.14 Double Exhaust Whisker
All drawing location numbers on this page refer to
the drawing of the double exhaust system shown here.
The double exhaust system was originally designed to
help minimize or reduce the possibility of back flow
of biological and chemical contaminants. This system
has been used successfully for diving in biologically
contaminated environments. However, there are cer
tain chemicals (i.e.. Toluene, Acetic acid etc.) that will
attack the rubber in the valves in the exhaust assembly.
The double exhaust system has been replaced by the
Quad-Valve™ Exhaust System, however the Double
Exhaust system is still available.
7.14.1 Double Exhaust Whisker Cleaning
and Overhaul, Whisker PN# 525-102
Tools Required:
Torque Screwdriver
1/4 inch Screw Flat Blade Attachment.
7/8” Torque Wrench 0-200 ft lb
7/8” Crow Foot Adapter
5/8” Crow Foot Adapter
7/8” Open End Wrench
1 I/4” Socket (regulator nut)
1/16” Crow Foot Adapter
1) Loosen the two bent tube retaining nuts, and remove the
bent tube.
2) Remove the nose block knob, packing nut, and nose
block shaft.
3) Remove the regulator mount nut and O- ring.
4) Remove the oral nasal mask.
5) Loosen and remove the whisker retaining screws.
Remove the retaining plates then pull the regulator
and whisker free. Use caution not to lose the whisker
spacers. The rubber whisker is removed by stretching
and pulling the rubber away from the back of the regu
lator “whisker flange”. The “whisker flange” forms
the exhaust valve seat and surrounds the regulator
The double exhaust system PN#525-102 in-
creases exhalation resistance and should
not be used for dives deeper than 150 FSW.
Use of this system at deeper depths could
lead to exhaustion and unconsciousness.
Location Part Number Description
Screws (3)
Double Exhaust Main Body
Tie Wrap (2)
Exhaust Valve
Valve Body
Exhaust Valve
Double Exhaust Whisker
silicone exhaust valve. The whisker is held in place at
the regulator body by being stretched over the whisker
flange and secured with a tie wrap. To remove, cut the
tie wrap and pull the whisker free.
6) Remove the inner valve cage assembly. Clean and
inspect the valve and cage. Replace the valve if any
damage or deterioration is present or if a routine
overhaul is being performed.
This is the same valve, and cage as used in the
oral nasal. Clean and inspect the valve. Replace the
valve if any damage or deterioration is present or if a
routine overhaul is being performed.
Note: Before removing the regulator exhaust valve,
carefully inspect the area around the edges to as-
sure the silicone exhaust valve is in contact with
the regulator body. Ensure the spokes that hold the
exhaust valve are smooth, even and not bent. The
exhaust valve seating area should be free of dirt
and corrosion to ensure the valve can lay flat and
seal properly.
The metal cross-area of the body under the valve
could be slightly bent out resulting in the rubber
valve not sealing. If the exhaust valve is high and
not sealing, with the exhaust valve in place, lightly
press in on the metal cross, bending the metal in
slightly until the spikes are flat and the valve seats.