The “H” icon appears in the icon display area of the transceiver when a channel configured “High” for the transmission power
is selected, the “M” icon appears in the icon display area of the transceiver when a channel configured “Medium” for the
transmission power is selected, and the “L” icon appears in the icon display area of the transceiver when a channel configured
“Low” for the transmission power is selected.
The methods of configuring the transmission power and changing the transmission power by using the transceiver vary
depending on the system as follows:
Analog Conventional/ P25 Conventional/ NXDN Conventional/ DMR Conventional/ LTR
Trunking system
In Analog Conventional, P25 Conventional, NXDN Conventional, DMR Conventional, and LTR Trunking systems, “High”,
“Medium”, or “Low” can be configured for the transmission power on each channel (Personality).
The transmission power can be switched among “High”, “Medium”, or “Low” by the following methods:
Low Transmit Power
The transmission power can be switched to “Low” by selecting a channel where “High” or “Medium” is configured for the
transmission power and operating one of the following:
Press the
Low Transmit Power
Select “On” or “Off” after pressing the
key to enter Menu Mode and then selecting “Low Transmit Power”.
With one of the operations, the transmission power of the selected channel is “Low” by enabling
Low Transmit Power
and the transmission power of the selected channel returns to the previous configuration (“High” or “Medium”) by disabling
Low Transmit Power
Medium Transmit Power
The transmission power can be switched to “Medium” by selecting a channel where “High” or “Low” is configured for the
transmission power and operating one of the following:
Select “On” or “Off” after pressing the
key to enter Menu Mode and then selecting “Medium Transmit Power”.
The transmission power of the selected channel is “Medium” by enabling
Medium Transmit Power
, and the transmission
power of the selected channel returns to the previous configuration (“High” or “Low”) by disabling
Medium Transmit
High Transmit Power
The transmission power can be switched to “High” by selecting a channel where “Medium” or “Low” is configured for the
transmission power and operating one of the following:
Press the
High Transmit Power
Select “On” or “Off” after pressing the
key to enter Menu Mode and then selecting “High Transmit Power”.
With one of the operations, the transmission power of the selected channel is “High” by enabling
High Transmit
, and the transmission power of the selected channel returns to the previous configuration (“Medium” or “Low”) by
High Transmit Power
P25 Trunking/ NXDN Trunking system
In a P25 Trunking and NXDN Trunking systems, “High”, “Medium”, “Low”, or “Auto” can be configured for the transmission
power in each system.
If “Auto” is configured for the transmission power, the transceiver automatically switches the transmission power to “High”
or “Low” by comparing the threshold value of signal strength level configured in
Power Threshold
with the current received
signal strength level.
Also, the transmission power can be switched manually among “High”, “Medium”, or “Low” by the following methods:
4.2 Transmit Power
Common FUNC (K, F)/Ver 2.20