Section 4: Command reference
Series 2200 Programmable DC Power Supplies Reference Manual
2200S-901-01 Rev. C / March 2016
SYSTem:KEY ......................................................................... 4-35
SYSTem:LOCal (no query form) ............................................ 4-36
SYSTem:POSetup ................................................................. 4-36
SYSTem:REMote (no query form) ......................................... 4-37
SYSTem:RWLock (no query form) ......................................... 4-37
SYSTem:VERSion? (query only) ........................................... 4-37
*TRG (no query form) ............................................................. 4-38
TRIGger[:IMMediate] (no query form) .................................... 4-38
TRIGger:SOURce .................................................................. 4-39
*TST? (query only) ................................................................. 4-39
*WAI (no query form) ............................................................. 4-40
Programming examples ......................................................... 4-40
Commands listed in alphabetical order
You can use commands to either set instrument features or query instrument values. You can use
some commands to do both, some only to set and some only to query. This document marks set-only
commands with the words “No Query Form” included with the command name. It marks query-only
commands with a question mark appended to the header, and includes the words “Query Only” in the
command name.
This document spells out headers, mnemonics, and arguments with the minimal spelling shown in
uppercase. For example, to use the abbreviated form of the MEASure:SCALar:VOLTage:DC?
command, type MEAS:SCAL:VOLT:DC?.
*CLS (no query form)
The *CLS command clears all event registers and queues.
(on page 4-4)
(on page 4-34)