Series 2200 Programmable DC Power Supplies Reference Manual
Appendix C: Status model
2200S-901-01 Rev. C / March 2016
Enable registers
This topic describes the following four types of enable registers:
Event status enable register (ESER)
(on page C-7)
Service request enable register (SRER)
(on page C-7)
Operation enable register (OENR)
(on page C-8)
Questionable enable register (QENR)
(on page C-8)
ESER, SRER, OENR, and QENR allow you to select which events are reported to the status byte
register (SBR). Each bit in an enable register corresponds to a bit in an event register. In order for an
event to be reported to a bit in the status byte register (SBR), the corresponding bit in the enable
register must be set to one. If the bit in the enable register is set to zero, the event will not affect the
status bit. Various commands set the bits in the enable registers. The enable registers and the
commands used to set them are described in the following topics.
Event status enable register (ESER)
This register controls which types of events are summarized by the event status bit (ESB) in the
status byte register (SBR). Use the *ESE command to set the bits in the ESER. Use the *ESE? query
to read it.
Figure 30: Event status enable register (ESER)
Service request enable register (SRER)
This register controls which bits in the status byte register (SBR) generate a Service Request and are
summarized by the master status summary (MSS) bit.
Use the *SRE command to set the SRER. Use the *SRE? query to read the register. The RQS bit
remains set to one until either the SBR is read with a Serial Poll or the MSS bit changes back to a
Figure 31: Service request enable register (SRER)