Ultrasonic Diagnostic Instrument (Vet)
User’s Manual V1.01
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Note: You can get accurate values of the three layers of backfat at the P2 site (the last rib). Many
hogs have the thin third layer of backfat. As they increase in weight and age, the third layer
becomes thicker and wider spread over the body. Measurement at P1 site (the trailing edge
of shoulder: about 4-5 rib) is more difficult and inconsistent. P3 site (the lumbosacral
junction) will get accurate measurement for two layers of backfat but may not give an
accurate measurement for the third layers due to the muscle tissue.
9.3 Measurement of Swine’s lean percentage
1. In real-time A mode, press
key to enter main-menu, press direction keys
to move cursor
to “Weight” in the display area. Press direction keys
or operator mouse to adjust the “Weight”
(range: 37~300kg);
2. Put ultrasonic coupling gel to the appropriate site of swine’s back, in order to make good contact
between swine skin and sound window. The probe is placed against the skin of the animal and is kept
perpendicular to the back, move the probe gently, make sure no air bubbles between the skin and probe.
Keep the swine quiet during the test (you can feed the swine during the test);
3. After the image is automatically frozen, the backfat thickness and loin thickness are measured,
and the lean percentage is automatically displayed in the right area of the screen;
4. Press
key or click the middle mouse to return the real-time status.
Explanation: Before measuring the swine's lean percentage, you must enter the weight of the
swine (weight range 37 to 300 kg); otherwise, the default weight is 100 kg.
9.4 Measurement considerations
1. When measuring the older animal, if necessary, it needs to remove the hair at the site and wet the
skin with hot water, then apply light oil to wet the skin one minute or two before measuring. Always keep
the probe perpendicular to the swine’s back; measurement errors may result if probe is at an angle. If
chooses the inaccurate site, such as animal shoulder or arm, the measured result is not accurate.
2. When the probe leaves the measuring site, it needs to reapply ultrasonic coupling gel evenly to
continue measurement.
3. Have a bad contact, first remove any possible manure, straw and excess hair, etc., which may cause
a poor contact between the sound window and skin and leading to inaccurate measured results.
4. Recommend using dedicated ultrasonic coupling gel, also can use vegetable oil.