Section 5: Programming
[301] Phone Number Programming
Section [301] is used to program up to 4 telephone numbers used to communicate with the central station over PSTN.
[001] The phone number used to communicate with receiver 1
[002] The phone number used to communicate with receiver 2
[003] The phone number used to communicate with receiver 3
[004] The phone number used to communicate with receiver 4
All telephone numbers can be a maximum of 32 digits. Hexadecimal digits may be included to perform the following func-
HEX B ([*] [2] [*]) - to dial "*"
HEX C ([*] [3] [*]) - to dial "#"
HEX D ([*] [4] [*]) - for an additional dial tone search, as required by PBX telephone systems.
HEX E ([*] [5] [*]) - to insert a 2-second pause in the telephone number. This causes a static delay of 2 seconds
before any additional dial tone search in a phone number.
HEX F ([*] [6] [*]) - represents the end of the Phone Number (everything after F is ignored).
Pressing [#] in these sections exits and saves the entire phone number.
The alarm system does not attempt to communicate using PSTN if no phone number is programmed.
[304] Call Waiting Cancel String
Use this section to program a string that, when pressed, disables call waiting on a phone line. Call waiting cancel is typically
*70 in most areas. Dialing this string before a phone number disables call waiting for the duration of the call.
When this section is programmed and Call Waiting Cancel Options is ON (see "[382] Communicator Option 3" on page 127),
the alarm system dials this string before the phone number. This is only done on the first dialing attempt for each phone num-
This is a 6-digit field. Fill unused digits with Hex F.
[307] Zone Reporting
Zone alarms, tampers and faults are transmitted to the central station using automatic contact ID or SIA formats. Reporting
can be toggled on or off by zone using toggle options 1-6 in subsections 001-248.
See "Reporting Codes" on page 223 for zone reporting code descriptions.
1 - Alarm
2 - Alarm Restore
3 - Tamper
4 - Tamper Restore
5 - Fault
6 - Fault Restore
[308] Event Reporting
System events are transmitted to the central station using automatic contact ID or SIA formats. Reporting can be disabled by
toggle options, programmable in the following sub-sections.
See "Reporting codes" on page 250 for event code descriptions.
[001] Miscellaneous Alarm 1
The reporting codes in this section are sent to the Alarm & Restore call direction group.
1 – Duress Alarm
Sent when a duress code is used to perform any function on the system.
2 – Opening After Alarm
Sent during disarming if an alarm occurred during the previous armed period.
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