Section 5: Programming
After 10 minutes without zone activity, the alarm system emits 5 beeps every 10 seconds from all keypads. After another 5
minutes of inactivity, Walk Test terminates automatically.
To manually exit walk test mode, enter [901] again.
Module Programming
Use this section to add, remove and confirm the following modules:
Keypads see "Compatible devices" on page 8
8-zone expander module (HSM2108)
8-output expander module (HSM2208)
Power supply (HSM2300)
4-output power supply (HSM2204)
Wireless transceiver (HSM2HOSTx)
Audio Verification Module (HSM2955)
8 zone Expansion Module (HSM3408)
Power Supply Module (HSM3350)
Corbus Repeater Module (HSM3204CX)
Once added, modules are supervised by the system.
[902] Add/Remove Modules
Modules can be enrolled automatically our manually. In either case, the serial number of the device is used as an identifier.
Select one of the enrollment options described below.
[000] – Auto Enroll Modules
When this mode is selected, the alarm system automatically enrolls all modules connected to the Corbus. The total number
of modules currently enrolled are displayed on the keypad.
Enter sub-section [000] to begin auto enrollment of all new modules. The auto enroll screen will show the following:
KP = Number of keypad type modules
IO = Number of zone and output type modules
M = Number of other type modules
Devices are assigned to the next available slot. The slot assignment can be modified using subsections [002] and
[001] – Enroll Modules
To enroll modules individually:
1. Enter programming section [902][001].
2. When prompted, key in the serial number of the module found on the PCB. An error tone is sounded if an invalid serial
number is used.
3. To cancel enrollment of a module, press [#].
[002] – Module Slot Assignment
This section is used to change the slot number a module is enrolled in. To change the slot number:
1. Enter programming section [902][002].
2. Key in the serial number of the module.
3. When prompted, key in the new two-digit slot number. The previous slot assignment is replaced with the new one. An
error tone sounds if an invalid slot number is keyed in.
[003] – Edit Module Slot Assignment
Like [002], this section is also used to change the slot number of a module. With this option, however, the serial number is
not required. To change the slot number:
1. Enter programming section [902][002].
2. Use the scroll keys to locate the module then press [*] to select.
3. Key in the new two-digit slot number. The previous slot assignment is replaced with the new one. An error tone sounds if
an invalid slot number is keyed in.
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