Section 5: Programming
Commonly assigned to interior motion sensors near a point of entry, such as a foyer or hallway, that must be accessed to
reach the keypad. The alarm is activated if the system is armed and a delay type zone (e.g., front door) is not tripped first, or if
the entry/exit timer expires before the alarm is disarmed. Otherwise, the zone is instant if tripped.
Interior Stay/Away
Similar to Interior zone type except that the system bypasses the zone when armed in Stay mode. Commonly used to activ-
ate perimeter zones while permitting free movement throughout the interior.
Delay Stay/Away
Similar to delay 1 except that the zone is bypassed when armed in Stay mode. Commonly used with motion detectors that
cover an entry point.
Delayed 24-Hour Fire
This zone is used with smoke detectors and functions similar to the standard fire zone, except the communicator delays the
alarm memory and transmission by 30 seconds. If the alarm is acknowledged by pressing any key, the siren is silenced and
the transmission aborted. If the smoke detector is not restored after the alarm has been acknowledged, the siren output activ-
ates after 90 seconds and another 30-second delay starts. A code is required to silence the alarm. A tamper or fault causes a
fire trouble to log and transmit.
The supervision options (NC, SEOL, DEOL, TEOL) do not affect the functionality of this zone. The restored state of this
zone type is 5k6, the alarm state is short and the trouble state is open.
Standard 24-Hour Fire
This zone is used with smoke detectors. The siren sounds instantly when the smoke detector is activated. If enabled, the com-
municator immediately transmits the alarm to the monitoring station. A tamper or fault of this zone type causes a fire trouble
to log and transmit.
The supervision options (NC, SEOL, DEOL, TEOL) do not affect the functionality of this zone. The restored state of this
zone type is 5.6k, the alarm state is short and the trouble state is open.
Instant Stay/Away
Commonly assigned to interior motion sensors. This zone type is bypassed when armed in Stay mode, but functions like an
Instant zone [003] when armed in Away mode.
Interior Delay
Commonly assigned to interior motion sensors. When Away armed, this zone type functions like the Interior zone type. When
Stay or night armed, tripping the zone activates entry delay 1. Tripping this zone during exit delay does not cause the system
to arm in Away mode, as tripping a regular Delay type zone does.
Day Zone
Commonly used in areas where immediate notification of entry is desired. When disarmed, tripping this zone activates the
keypad buzzer but does not log or report the event. When armed, tripping this zone activates the siren then logs and reports
the event.
An alarm during exit delay causes the siren to activate and remain on when exit delay expires.
Night Zone
Commonly assigned to interior motion detectors in areas accessed during the night. This zone functions like an Interior
Stay/Away zone [005] when armed using any method except the following: If Stay armed, this zone is bypassed; if armed
using [*][1], this zone is bypassed.
Final Door Set (Non CP-01 panels only)
This zone type does not use an exit timer (infinite exit delay). The door must be opened then closed to complete the arming
sequence. The arming method determines if infinite exit delay is applied. See the table below.
Disable Exit Delay Termination with this zone type.
If this zone type is bypassed, the alarm system cannot be Away armed.
Arming method
Infinite exit delay
Arming mode
User code
Away key
Wireless key away
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