Section 4: System operation
Keypad: [*][6][Master Code] + 18
This function is used by an alternate communicator to open the Interactive Services menu.
Priority Buffer
Menu: [*][6][Master Code] > Priority Buffer
Keypad: [*][6][Master Code] + 19
This function logs priority events to a buffer, protecting them accidental or deliberate deletion, or alteration of its contents.
Alarm Buffer
Menu: [*][6][Master Code] > Alarm Buffer
Keypad: [*][6][Master Code] + 20
This option is used to view system alarm events stored in the buffer.
Arming Buffer
Menu: [*][6][Master Code] > Arming Buffer
Keypad: [*][6][Master Code] + 21
This option is used to view system arming events stored in the buffer.
[*][7] command outputs 1-4
Menu: [*][7][master code if required] > Output Control
Keypad: [*][7][master code if required]
This option is used to activate or deactivate command outputs 1 to 4 for each partition and enable command outputs to fol-
low a schedule.
Using an LCD keypad:
1. Press [*][7] to enter Output Control mode.
2. Scroll to an output and press [*] to select it, or key in a command output number. The output is toggled on or off or can
activate for a fixed period of time.
3. Press [*][7][9] and enter the system master or supervisor code. Scroll to each command output and press [*] to enable or
disable the use of a programmed schedule to control the output.
If no command outputs are programmed this function is not available. Other programming options that may affect this
user function:
See "121-124 – Command Outputs 1-4" on page 89
[*][8] installer programming
Use this option to place the alarm system in Installer Programming mode. Installer Programming is used to manually pro-
gram alarm panel and module options. An installer’s code is required to access this function.
Installer Programming is exited automatically after 20 minutes of inactivity.
When viewing data in sections with an LCD keypad, use the [<] and [>] keys to scroll.
[*][9] no-entry arming
This function is used to arm the alarm system while occupants are on the premises. Pressing [*][9] and then keying in an
access code arms the panel without an entry delay on delay type zones and bypasses stay/away and night type zones.
After the exit delay, delay 1 and delay 2 type zones behave the same as instant zones. Stay/away zones remain bypassed.
The entry delay can be activated or deactivated at any time while the system is armed using [*][9].
If the alarm system is armed using [*][9], disarming is only possible from a keypad inside the premises unless a wire-
less key is used.
Entry of a valid access code is required following this key only when the system is disarmed. When armed, if pro-
gramming section [015] option 4 (Quick Arming/Function Key) is off, an access code entry is required.
Global delay zones always have an entry delay, even if the system is armed using [*][9].
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