Section 5: Programming
This option must be set to OFF for UL installations.
5 – Away to Stay Toggle
ON: The alarm system cannot be switched from Away to Stay mode by pressing the [Stay] function key.
OFF: The alarm system can be switched from Away to Stay mode by pressing the [Stay] function key.
6 – 2-Way Audio Disconnect
ON: The system does not disconnect the 2-way audio session if a new event needs to be communicated.
This option applies to new alarm events only. All non-alarm events (except Fire Troubles) are communicated after the
2-Way session has ended.
OFF: The system disconnects the 2-way audio session if a new event occurs.
7 – Trouble Beeps are Silent
ON: When a trouble is detected on the system, trouble beeps are not sounded at the keypad with the exception of Fire
OFF: When a trouble is detected on the system, trouble beeps are sounded at the keypad.
This option must be OFF for UL Residential Fire applications.
To silence the Fire Trouble beep, press [*][2] and exit. Accessing [*][2] requires a valid user code.
8 – Keyswitch Arms in Away Mode
ON: Keyswitch arming arms the alarm system in away mode.
OFF: Keyswitches only arm the system in away mode if an entry/exit zone is violated during exit delay.
Note :
Proximity tag arming follows this section.
[023] System Option 11
1 – Ready LED Flashes for Force Arm
ON: If a force arm capable zone is tripped, partition keypads flash the ready LED in the disarmed state instead of illuminating
it steadily. If a non-force arm capable zone is tripped, the ready LED turns off.
OFF: If a force arm capable zone is tripped, the Ready LED is illuminated steadily. If a non-force arm capable zone is tripped,
the Ready LED turns off.
2 – Access Code Required for [*][*]
ON: When using the [*][*] Temperature Display Menu command, an access code must be input before the temperature menu
can be viewed.
OFF: An access code is not required to view the temperature menu using [*][*].
3 – Tamper/Fault Detection
ON: The following trouble conditions, when configured to generate audible alarm conditions, will contribute to a burglary veri-
fication sequence when sequential detection is used. When enabled, a bell circuit trouble will also generate an audible
alarm condition using other sirens that assigned to the partition.
TLM trouble
Bell circuit trouble
Zone fault
Module supervisory trouble
Alternate Communicator fault
Ethernet Trouble
Zone Mask Fault
OFF: Trouble conditions are displayed and processed as standard operation.
This option applies to the Sequential Detection feature only.
4 – Access Code Required for [*][1]
ON: When using the [*][1] Bypass Zones command, an access code must be input before zones are bypassed.
OFF: An access code is not required to bypass zones using [*][1].
5 – Access Code Required for [*][2]
ON: When using the [*][2] View Troubles command, an access code must be input before system troubles can be viewed.
OFF: An access code is not required to view troubles using [*][2].
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