Section 5: Programming
If DLS is terminated by an alarm, the DLS Lead Out reporting code is not transmitted.
5/6 – SA Lead In/Lead Out
The SA Lead In reporting code is sent:
after SA communication has been successfully established, but before the alarm system calls back the downloading
computer. This code is only transmitted when call back is enabled.
on user-initiated call-up.
The SA Lead Out reporting code is sent when an SA session is successfully ended. The SA Lead Out reporting code is still
sent if the session is terminated by an alarm.
7 – Event Buffer 75% Full
Sent when the event buffer reaches a threshold of 75% without being uploaded.
[313] Maintenance Events 3
1/2 – Firmware Update Begin/was Successful
Sent when a remote firmware update is initiated/ is successfully completed.
3 – Firmware Update Fail
Sent after an unsuccessful remote firmware update.
[314] Maintenance Events 4
1/2 – Gas Trouble/Restore
Sent when a trouble occurs or is restored on a wireless gas detector.
3/4 – Heat Trouble/Restore
Sent when a heat trouble occurs or is restored on a wireless temperature detector.
5/6 – Freeze Trouble/Restore
Sent when a freeze trouble occurs or is restored on a wireless temperature detector.
7/8 – Probe Disconnected Trouble/Restore
Sent when a probe disconnected trouble occurs or is restored on a wireless temperature detector.
[321] Receiver Events
2/4/6/8 – Receiver 1 - 4 FTC Restore
Sent when the panel detects an FTC trouble.
[331] Module Events 1
1/2 – Module AC Trouble/Restore
This reporting code is transmitted when a module’s AC supply fails or has been restored. A programmable delay applies to
both the trouble and the restore. This reporting code is sent to the System Maintenance call direction group.
3/4 – Module Battery Trouble/Restore
These reporting codes are transmitted when a module’s battery voltage falls below 11.5VDC or is restored. These reporting
codes are sent to the System Maintenance call direction group.
5/6 – Module Battery Absent/Restore
These reporting codes are transmitted when a module’s battery is absent or is restored. These reporting codes are sent to
the System Maintenance call direction group.
7/8 – Module Power Unit Failure/Restore
These reporting codes are transmitted when a module’s battery is detected as absent or restored. These reporting codes are
sent to the System Maintenance call direction group.
[332] Module Events 2
1/2 – Module Low Voltage Trouble/Restore
Sent when module voltage drops below acceptable levels or is restored.
3/4 – Module Supervisory Trouble/Restore
Sent when communication with a module is lost or restored.
5/6 – Module Aux Trouble/Restore
Sent when a high current output module or power supply module experiences an auxiliary voltage supply trouble.
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