Section 5: Programming
2 – Bell Ringback
ON: When the Opening After Alarm reporting code is successfully transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the siren
emits a series of 6 squawks to confirm to the occupant that the code was sent and received. Ringback occurs for each suc-
cessfully reported Opening After Alarm code.
OFF: When the Opening After Alarm reporting code is successfully transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the siren
does not sound ringback.
4 – Closing Confirmation Enabled/Disabled
ON: When a Closing reporting code is successfully transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the keypad emits a
series of 8 beeps to confirm to the occupant that the Closing Code was sent and received.
OFF: No keypad ringback is generated when a Closing reporting code is successfully transmitted.
8 – Communications Priority Enabled/Disabled
ON: Events follow the priority level indicated in ULC-S559 standard.
Concurrent event communications are prioritized in the following order (highest to lowest priority):
1. Fire Alarms
2. CO Alarm
3. Fire Supervisories
4. Fire Trouble
5. Monitoring (Medical, Panic or Security)
6. All others such as restorals for fire alarms, supervisories, troubles and monitoring.
OFF: Events are communicated in the order they occur.
Must be ON for ULC commercial fire monitoring listed installations.
[382] Communicator Option 3
1 – Reserved
2 – Walk Test Communications
ON: Zone alarms that occur during Walk Test are communicated if programmed to do so.
OFF: Zone alarms during Walk Test are not communicated. FMP key alarms are still communicated.
4 – Call Waiting Cancel
ON: The call waiting cancel string (See "[304] Call Waiting Cancel String" on page 116) is used on the first attempt to dial
each phone number. It is not used on any further dialing attempts.
OFF: The call waiting cancel string is not dialed.
5 – Interactive Communicator Enable/Disable
ON: The system communicates using the Alarm.com communicator. All related programming options, reporting, and super-
vision are enabled when programmed via PC-Link2.
OFF: The Alarm.com communicator and all associated programming functionality are disabled.
6 – AC Failure Communication Delay in Hours/Minutes
ON: The AC failure communication delay (section [377]>[002] option 2) is programmed in hours.
OFF: The AC failure communication delay is programmed in minutes.
8 – Tamper Limit
ON: When disarmed, the system only communicates module tampers. Zone tampers are not communicated.
OFF: When disarmed, the system communicates all tampers.
[383] Communicator Option 4
1 – Phone Number Account Code
ON: The account code communicated to the central station follows the phone number the event is programmed to com-
municate on (programmed in section "[310] Account Codes" on page 122):
Receiver 1 all events will follow partition 1 account code
Receiver 2 all events will follow partition 2 account code
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